Our Personal Mementos


Pack Troop 1020

DISCLAIMER: This is just a quick way to put something out to share with family, friends, & members of The Pack. Since it's our site, you'll probably notice that most of our pictures include our own little Scout. Sorry about that, but, hey, that's the advantage of coming up with our own webpage. Check back often! As we participate in future Scouting events, we'll post more pictures and you might find your Scout here!

If you have digital pix you'd like us to post here, please contact us and we'll work with you to add your pictures to our site. While this is primarily our place to proudly share our Scout's pictures with our family & friends, we'll try our darnest to include everyone who wants to participate on this webpage--depending on space availability on our server.

For access, please email us and we'll send you a login & password.



- Pix of the Arrow Of Light Ceremony - Mar 2006

- Den 7 & 8 - Readying for their first deployment as Boy Scouts.

Boy Scouts of America National Council

Circle10 Council



Clips ( Alphabetical Order )

Photos ( Alphabetical Order )

Purple Heart Ceremony - AVI (17Mb), WMF (3Mb)

Arrow of Light Ceremony
Cooper State Park Camping Trip - Jan 2006

Day Camp - 2005
Gold Banquet - 2003
Gold Banquet - 2004
Gold Banquet - 2005
Gold Banquet - 2006
Meeting & Braums - Feb 06
Misc - May 2005

Purple Heart Ceremony
Sail Boat Rigatta - 2002
Spring Campout - 2005

Boy Scouts
Campout 23-25 Mar 07
Camp Constantine - Sep 07
Ready For First Overniter As Boy Scouts - Mar 24 2006

Scout Camp - Jun 06
Summer Camp - Okla - Jul 07
Whirly Ball - Jul 2007


Last updated: Sep 10, 2007